Rice tiramisu with tentura

Ingredients For the syrup: For the cream: Additional ingredients: Preparation: For the syrup: Put the sugar, cinnamon stick and water in a saucepan and let it boil until the sugar melts. Remove from the heat and add the tentura. For the cream: In a bowl, mix the cream cheese, the flour and the tentura with […]
Rice cake without fyllo with minced mushrooms and gruyere

Ingredients For the minced mushrooms: Execution: For the minced mushrooms: Heat the olive oil in a non-stick pan. I throw in the coriander, the cumin and the paste and roast them for 1 minute. I add the onion, garlic and mushrooms and saute them for 8-10 minutes until they expel their liquid and dry. Remove […]
Rice pie with cheese and yogurt foam flavored with mint

Ingredients for 6 people For the dough: For the filling: For the porridge: Preparación: Put the flour in a bowl. Make a well in the middle and add the oil, vinegar and salt. Grind the flour with our hands well, to make it like trahanas. Add the water little by little until it becomes a […]

Ingredients For the rice: For the syrup: For the composition: Execution:
Pilaf with mushrooms and bay leaves from Patra

Ingredients Preparation: In a pot, bring the stock to a boil over low heat.Heat the butter and olive oil in a deep pan. Throw in the mushrooms, fennel and onion and saute for about 15 minutes until they release their liquid and dry out. Add the garlic and as soon as it smells musky, add […]

Ingredients Preparation: First, soak the rice in a bowl of water for 1 hour.Then, put it in a strainer and rinse it under running water to remove the starch.Drain it well.Put the rice in a bowl.Sauté the dry onions and spring onions over low heat for 3 to 4 minutes.Add the rice and mix well […]

Ingredients Preparation: Wash the mussels thoroughly under water. Use a scrubbing brush to rub them carefully to completely remove all debris and sand. Also, pull and cut off the “beard” from their centre. Place the olive oil in a large pan over medium heat and sauté the onions for 2-3’, until softened. Add the garlic, […]

Ingredients: Preparation: Clean and wash the calamari thoroughly. Slice the head off and sauté them in a pot with some olive oil.Add the finocchio, garlic, onion, rice and add 200ml of the fish stock and 100ml of tomato paste. Simmer for about 15 minutes.Add the chopped spinach and chard and cook for 2 minutes.When ready, remove […]

Ingredients: Preparation: Place a pot over medium to high heat and roast the tomatoes for about 35 minutes with the sugar and salt. When ready, remove from heat, drain and mash them. Place another pot over medium to high heat and sauté the onion, garlic and fennel seeds in olive oil. Add the rice and […]

Ingredients for 6 portions For baking mixture Preparation: Prepare the tomatoes and zucchinis for stuffing, by cutting a slice from the side of the stem and then use a spoon to scoop their flesh, which you will then chop finely and put aside. After cutting a slice from the stem-side of the peppers, remove and […]

Ingredients for four people: Preparation: Cut the chicken and the rabbit into 10 regular pieces each and salt them. Put the oil to heat in the pan and slowly fry the chicken and the rabbit pieces. Once the meat is fried, add the vegetables. Then add the garlic, paprika and tomato. Then add 1-2 litres […]

Ingredients for 4 people: Preparation: Clean the fish and prepare the fumet with the bones, reserving its meat. Clean the prawns and prepare a red broth with the heads, reserving the meat. Divide the potato into four portions. Then, put the red broth to cook, which we will then mix with the fumet and let […]

Ingredients (for 4 people): Preparation: Cut the lobsters lengthwise, fry them lightly and remove from the pan. Fry the monkfish, cuttlefish, squid and prawns. Then add the rice, stir and add the necessary amount of stock. Remove from the heat when the rice reaches the optimum or desired cooking point.