We choose European Rice for a sustainable environment!

On Monday, September 20th, 2021, at The Met Hotel, a Press Event took place in the context of the European Program “Information provision and promotion measures on the sustainable aspect of rice production in Greece and Spain” with the distinctive title EU Rice, which is implemented by Agrotiki Etairiki Sympraxi Thessalonikis (EASTH), and the Consejo Regulador de la DOP Arroz de Valencia. Through this event the public has been informed that the rice produced in Europe is a safe product, as it is grown following the strict European Regulations on agricultural produce. The event also highlighted the sustainable aspects of rice production.

The Manager and the Director of Agrotiki Etairiki Sympraxi Thessalonikis (EASTH), Mr. Christos Tsichitas and Mr. Kostas Giannopoulos, the Representative of Consejo Regulador de la DOP Arroz de Valencia, Mr. Santos Ruiz Alvarez, the General Director of Novacert ltd, which implements the program, Mr. Thanasis Tamparopoulos, and the Director of Informational and Promotional Programs of Novacert ltd, Mrs. Maria Nalmpanti presented the important aspects or rice cultivation for the environment, the economy, and to society of those regions, and they highlighted the fact that the European rice is a safe and high quality product.

The program’s Rice Chef Ambassador for Greece, Mrs Ntina Nikolaou, was also present in the panel of speakers, and she walked us through the strategy and thought process that led to the choice of ‘gemista’ (stuffed vegetables, seafood, and meats) as the representative Greek dish with rice.

In a full room, always in accordance with the measures for Covid-19, the journalists present there had the chance to pose their questions regarding the rice and its production. The MP for Thessaloniki B’ Region, Mr. Theodoros Karaoglou, and the Vice Governor of Enviromental and Development at Region of Central Macedonia, Mr. Konstantinos Gioutikas saluted the event. Furthermore, Presidents of Agricultural Cooperatives, and Representatives of the Association of Greek Rice Millers honored the event with their presence.

Following the Press Event, a dinner took place at the hotel’s impressive Roof Garden, with a great variety of rice-based dishes. The guests had the chance to taste among others the authentic paella of Valencia, prepared by the Spanish Chef Ambassador, Mr. Vicente Rioja Pastor.

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