In the framework of the European project entitled “Actions for Awareness and Promotion of Sustainable Rice Production in Greece and Spain”, a training seminar was organized in Alexandroupolis for the potential audience of the next generation of cooks and pastry chefs at the PUBLIC IEK OF THE MINISTRY OF TOURISM in Alexandroupolis.
The programme, with the distinctive title EU RICE, is implemented by the Agricultural Partnership of Thessaloniki (EASTH) and the Consejo Regulador de la DOP Arroz de Valencia (PDO Valencia Rice Regulatory Authority). The event presented to the students the contribution of rice cultivation to the conservation of wetlands, the use of abundant water resources, the maintenance of soil sustainability and, in general, to the ecological balance, but also to the socio-economic development of the areas of cultivation and production. The students were also informed about rice produced in Europe, a product of high nutritional value, rich in nutrients and safe, since it is grown in compliance with the strict European regulations on agricultural production.
At the PUBLIC IEK of the MINISTRY OF TOURISM OF ALEXANDRUPOLIS, Chef Instructors Christos-Angelos Tsetsos and Konstantinos Kipouros prepared with their students three original recipes using the Greek rice and marrying tradition with modern techniques and ideas:
Pilafi “spanakopita”
Yuvarlakia from sea bass
Dried apricots with dried apricots
During the process, the opportunity was given to present and discuss the excellent taste and behaviour of the Greek European medium grain rice in cooking, as well as the value of the evolution of traditional recipes of our country.
A surprise for everyone was the presence in the seminar of the Rice Chef Ambassador of the program, Dina Nikolaou, who had the opportunity to share with the students her own experience from the program, as well as from her various activities in Greece and abroad.
The reception of the school managements in general, the cooperation, the interest of the teachers and especially the participation of the students is great, indicative of the high level of the schools’ studies, while confirming the value of the information that the EURICE programme provides to specialised and targeted audiences.
NOVACERT, the largest consultancy company specialising in the agri-environmental, food and certification sectors, is the executing agency of the EURICE programme, while the promotion and information events in Greece have been entrusted to Chef Stories.