Highlights: Masterclass With Dina Nikolaou In Thessaloniki, 2024

As part of the information and promotion program for European rice produced in Greece and Spain, a three-hour cooking Masterclass with Rice Ambassador Dina Nikolaou was held on February 19, 2024. The Masterclass took place at the Akadimia art restaurant in Thessaloniki.The guests had the special honor of trying the unique creations and living a […]
Invitation: Educational seminar at IEK DELTA 360th, Xanthi, 2023

The Agricultural Partnership of Thessaloniki, with the distinctive title of EASTH, and the Consejo Regulador de la DOP Arroz de Valencia (CRAV), invite you to attend an Educational seminar and taste unique dishes with meso-sperm Greek rice lasting about 3 hours. Wednesday 13/12/2023 Arrival: 11:00 at IEK DELTA 360th (Leonardopoulou 1 & C. Kondyli, Xanthi) […]
Invitation: Educational Seminar in Alexandroupoli, 2023

The Agricultural Partnership of Thessaloniki, with the distinctive title EASTH, and the Consejo Regulador de la DOP Arroz de Valencia (CRAV), invite you to attend an Educational seminar with the Culinary Expert Smaragda Makri and to taste unique dishes with meso-sperm Greek rice for about 3 hours. Tuesday 12/12/2023Arrival: 16:00 at Thea Thalassa restaurant (Kanari […]
Educational Seminar in Moudania, Greece

In the context of the European program entitled “Actions to Inform and Promote Sustainable Rice Production in Greece and Spain”, an educational seminar was organized at the Public IEK N. Moudania for the dynamic audience of the next generation of cooks and confectioners. At the Public IEK N. Moudanion, Chef Instructors Anastasiadis Athanassios and Gratzias […]
Invitation to an Information Event on the Sustainability of Rice Production in Europe

The Agricultural Partnership of Thessaloniki, under the distinctive title of EASTH, and the Consejo Regulador de la DOP Arroz de Valencia (CRAV), invite you to an Information Event on the sustainability of rice production in Europe. Thursday 14/9/2023 Arrival: 18:00 At The Met Hotel, (48, 26th October, 54627, Thessaloniki) The event will take place in […]
Invitation to the EU Rice Festival at the TIF

The Agricultural Partnership of Thessaloniki, under the distinctive title of EASTH, and the Consejo Regulador de la DOP Arroz de Valencia (CRAV), invite you to the EU Rice Festival. Saturday 16/9/2023 & Sunday 17/9/2023 Arrival: 12:00 – 21:00 inside the TIF Exhibition Complex and between stands 10 and 13 outside. Distinguished chefs as well as […]
Highlights: Educational Seminar IEK Veria

As part of the campaign to promote the sustainable aspect of Greek mesosperm rice cultivation, an educational seminar was held on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at the IEK (PDIEK) of Veria. The event was organized as part of the European program entitled “Actions to Inform and Promote Sustainable Rice Production in Greece and Spain”. The […]